The Old Bingo

2013/2014, Photograph by Witc

photograph by Photogenic Visions FB, 2018

Oct. 2020, Photograph by Witc

This was a type of therapy, a sanctuary, a release for me, a place I could go to gather myself an my thoughts. The paintings I did, I did for me, it jus so happened that others enjoyed them as well. More times than I can count, I've rode by this old building, this staple in the community. I just always wondered why, many many why's, why this and why that, but mostly why is it just there not being utilized in some way? Then 1 day the💡went off in my head an I looked at the welcome sign and how plain an boring it looked, the letters no life, no personality, no excitement. So for no reason in particular I went to the wall, pictured the letters there, we'll more so just the colors of the outline, an I brought paint with me the next time I came out, which might've been a Saturday or Sunday annnnnnnnnnnd did it. Painted it, no permission, no why's, no help, just did it. Light color outline, a sketch if you will, some color fill in, bold dark outline to finish. Admired it for a minute and couldn't help but wonder how the community would react to it, will they like it, will they not, will they know it's me, what are they gonna say, if they say anything. A number of things ran through my thoughts while I left before I shook it out of my head and remembering well its up now so it doesn't matter, I guess. A few days later, it was taken down, sprayed off or painted over. I don't really know, nor care. All I felt about it was "Damn❗😔, I guess they didn't like it, who are they, what's it matter, it's gone, a few hours of my work, gone, down the drain". Getting taken out by mosquitoes, stupid down south Florida mosquitoes lol, for almost no reason at all. At that moment I decided "Fvck it, I'll put it back and see what happens, will it happen again, am I gonna keep going, 🤷‍♂️ well let's see🤔", I repainted it the coming weekend, added a few subtle changes but kept the overall idea the same, big bold letters, bright rich colors, I want it to make you look an say "Yeeeeeaah, I'm in Big Cypress now". It didn't matter if you were from here, visiting or just passing through. It wouldn't be denied, even though it might've been and probably was, more times than not. Well at least for me it would and that’s what mattered. It had life, with the colors and letters doing their jobs. It gave me a feeling of my community, who we are and to me it felt like home when I saw it. That’s a sign I want to make an impression when you see it. After the second time I did it, there it stayed, no re-dos, no few hours of labor gone. Just some touch ups here and there if I felt like it. There it stood, through the few years it survived. Survived the likes of rain, thunderstorms, scorching hot days, hurricanes and whatever else was thrown at it. Looked like a few alcohol bottles and cans too, lol. It survived, but all old buildings have a number and when its number is up, it’s up and that was the end. Whatever the reason may be, I hope it gets remembered that this is where the old bingo and Big Cypress sign was painted. That would be grand. Hope you enjoyed it and I hope you get told you missed out, if you didn’t see it.


A Storm Arises

